Package-level declarations
State object that holds the current values for a dynamic material theme.
A class that provides various color functions based on the given dynamic scheme.
The style of the palette to generate.
LocalDynamicMaterialThemeSeed is a CompositionLocal that provides the seed color for the dynamic material theme.
Create a custom ColorScheme based on the provided colors. Uses primary as the seed color.
Create a custom ColorScheme based on the provided colors.
A Material Theme that adapts to the given DynamicMaterialThemeState.seedColor.
A Material Theme that adapts to the given seed color and the provided custom colors.
Create and remember a custom ColorScheme based on the provided colors. Uses primary as the seed color.
Create and remember a custom ColorScheme based on the provided colors.
Creates a DynamicMaterialThemeState that can be remembered across compositions using custom colors.
Create the actual ColorScheme based on the given DynamicScheme.