Value representing cool-warm factor of a color.
Values below 0 are considered cool, above, warm.
Color science has researched emotion and harmony, which art uses to select colors. Warm-cool is the foundation of analogous and complementary colors. See: - Li-Chen Ou's Chapter 19 in Handbook of Color Psychology (2015). - Josef Albers' Interaction of Color chapters 19 and 21.
Implementation of Ou, Woodcock and Wright's algorithm, which uses Lab/LCH color space. Return value has these properties: - Values below 0 are cool, above 0 are warm.
- Lower bound: -9.66. Chroma is infinite. Assuming max of Lab chroma 130. - Upper bound: 8.61. Chroma is infinite. Assuming max of Lab chroma 130.
below 0 is cool, above 0 is warm.
The color to calculate the cool-warm factor of.